
GP2019LA Door light for hospital , alarm 400 callings,Nurse calling system!

GP2019LA door light is special used in hospital to alarm the callings from patients's rooms.

Scrolling text message displayer | LED receiver paging sytem GP2015PS

It is a scrolling text message displayer which can receive and display alphanumeric messages for POCSAG paging sytem.

Coaster pager | Pager Recharger for pager system GP2011CP

Wireless coaster pager which can receive and display alphanumeric messages.

Waterproof wrist watch pager | POCSAG pager GP2015W

It is a wireless pager which can receive and display alphanumeric messages and designed like a watch. It is a Upgrade Edition of Watch pager GP2009W.

USB ID programming cable for pager GP2009ID

Users can write and program the pagers with Pager ID programming cable.

Wrist watch pager | POCSAG pager GP2009W

It is a wireless pager which can receive and display alphanumeric messages and designed like a watch.

Pager | Beeper | POCSAG pager GP2009N

A pager is a wireless telecommunications device that receives and displays alphanumeric messages and/or receives and announces voice messages.